Sunday, October 18, 2015

Geoffrey, the Gentleman Bear

UP FOR ADOPTION...  $85.00 /plus travel expenses.

Upcycled from men's suit jackets, shirts, ladies dress and jewelry.
Complete with watch and chain

Contact me for availability.
I will send Paypal Shopping Cart Link with shipping costs applied to price.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

I've named him... Geoffrey Bear

I'm still fitting him out with a proper gentleman's clothing. It's all ready for some custom tailoring, a few more details and his silk ascot.

Here's how he looks right now. I had to lift his head a little to accommodate his formal starched color. Maybe I can find a better way to do it next time but he looks pretty stylish now for a Turn-of-the-Century bear.

Friday, October 16, 2015

The Gentleman Bear

This distinguished Gentleman Bear is made from two discarded suit coats and
he's dignified enough to grace anyone's parlor.
He is the second in a series of recycled bears that will be at my booth at

Arts & Crafts in the Hills 

which is coming soon to Canyon Lake, TX.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Green Lady Bear...

I've been obsessing about bears lately. Especially since I made the memory bear that I last posted. This one is made from some curtains that I had in my recycled fabric stash. These greens have a nice homespun texture that worked well with the white fabric reclaimed from an old cotton dress.

It's so much more satisfying to work with recycled materials. Nothing goes to waste!

I think I'll make a little headband for her with a little eyelet bow just to dress her up just a little bit more! I'll be showing her off at the Arts & Crafts in the Hills on Nov 6 & 7.

Art in the Hills Craft Show

Don't miss it!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Memory Bear and Blanket!

This is the latest of my commissioned projects.. 

What could be worse for a young child than having your "blankie" just wear out? Mom decided to fix the situation by recycling the original bed set with a bear and a blanket! Here is what she wrote on Facebook...

"Thanks so much for Madison's memory bear and the rebuilding of her "Bear bear" blanket...Boyd's bears... This bear & blanket has been rebuilt from the crib bumpers and head piece that is tied on to the crib, sheets, fitted sheets, & diaper holder. We have yet to decide when we want to give this to our sweet 8 year old baby, but in the meantime it is put up so we can surprise her one day with her great sentimental love. 
"Bear Bear" blanket has oddly become a person & a family member in our lives... when he's lost we all panic and pull out our hair. When Madison loses him in the house, I'll tell her he has sneaked off with his bear bear legs & is hiding..."Oh, that sneaky bear bear.." This is just how we do things♡ always full of love & fun in our house. 

Thank you, Judith, for your great artistic seamstress abilities! Thank you for reviving "Bear Bear blanket!!! Madison is sure to enjoy this memory bear & newly made blanket for years to come.

In the meantime, sssshhh... all in due time♡ 

Madison has her original "Bear bear" blanket pretty worn, faded, & well loved, to this day she won't give it up for anything. And we would't have it any other way.

If you have a memory project in your future, please contact me! 
We can discuss your ideas and I'll gladly give you a price quote.